10 Tips on Managing Stress

Stress is everywhere we go, at work, school, home! Stress is annoying, exhausting, and, well, Stressful, but never fear, the tip doctor is here! Here are 10 different ways to relieve your stress!

  1. Listen to music: Playing calm music can ease your stress and even lower your blood pressure!
  2. Breathe easy: This actually works very well in stressful situations. Simply breathing in and out can calm you down while undergoing stress.
  3. Sleep longer: Sleeping 8 hours or more can really help during stressful times. Sleeping better helps you get the rest you need to boost yourself through the day.
  4. Talk about your problems: Talking it out with someone can really help you let it all out and get the support you need.
  5. Eliminate/Reduce your Triggers: This is a really big one for people in school. If you are too stressed over having way too many assignments, it could be because your procrastinating. Make sure that you are very organized so that you know exactly when an assignment is due and how/when you plan to complete it.
  6. Take a Break: People also have big issues with over working themselves. Make sure that you are taking enough breaks, but not slacking off too much.
  7. Take a Walk: Walking helps you feel better about yourself and gets your mind off of the stack of papers laying on your desk for a while.
  8. Do what you actually like to do: Playing soccer or doing whatever you like to do helps calm you down and relieves your stress.
  9. Embrace your mistakes: Take your mistakes as a lesson, but don’t dwell over them! Also make sure that you are not focusing on how to be perfect because no one is perfect!
  10. Have a stress diary: This is pretty similar to talking to someone. Having a stress diary also helps you get all your stress out.

I hope this helped some of you cope with stress. This has been the Daily Tea. Remember! Stay lively, loving, and learning.